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 Light of Christ (LOC) Family Services provides services to the following areas: Amelia, Appomattox, Buckingham, Charlotte Courthouse, Cumberland, Dillwyn, Lunenburg, Nottoway, and Prince Edward. LOC Family Services focuses on medium to high-risk men, women, and children. We received a federal grant from the Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance Office of Justice Program called the Second Chance Act Grant in 2018, and provide case management, clinical therapy, and peer groups to medium to high-risk men. We help individuals returning from incarceration become not only productive citizens but reestablished members of value in their families. Since COVID-19 LOC Family Services has adapted to these trying times by having peer groups virtually and using precautions during service delivery. However, we continue to provide services to assist in keeping our community safe as we provide needed resources to our target population.

Employment Services

- Referrals

- Interview Preparation

- Career Counseling

- Assistance with job search

- Obtaining I.D. 

Educational Assistance

- Locating a GED program

- Locating a college/online program

- Assistance with a college application

- Assistance with FAFSA


Family Support

- Family Reunification

-Assistance with Remote Learning

- Group Support

- Pregnancy Support/Education Referral

- SNAPET assistance

Limited ​LOC Vouchers

- Clothing and hygiene

- Food

- Travel Assistance

- Emergency Housing Assistance

Mental Health

- Referrals

- Substance Abuse Groups

- Counseling 

- Crisis Intervention

Financial Assistance

- Referrals

- Assistance with Medicaid/Medicare, SNAP, and TANF applications

- Assistance with SSI applications

- Assistance with filing for unemployment


LOC Family Services is solution-focused and seek to reduce recidivism, help to mend broken families, increase safer communities and help individuals released from incarceration develop core skills through case management, clinical therapy, and peer sponsorship to become not only productive citizens in their communities but to also become reestablished members of value in their families. 


Individuals transitioning from incarceration to their communities and returning to their families will be met with the power of optimism and have the support that's needed to become reestablished, reliable, responsible, and redefined individuals within their families and communities. 


Spiritual Support

- Pastoral

- Mentorship/Guidance

- Prayer Request

- Church Referrals

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